Education/Job Training

Viewing 1-10 of 118 results (listed by location, Near to Far)

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Ability Now Bay Area

Provides services for adults, ages 18 to 65, with a wide range of physical, intellectual, or other developmental disabilities including a self-employment training program, an adult development center, a technology center with assistive technology, and other programs to assist participants in reaching their highest potential, respecting their choices as adults, protecting their rights and interests, teaching advocacy and self-help skills, offering moral support to consumers and their families and raising community awareness and enlisting support.

Services: Developmental Disabilities Activity Centers, Disability Related Center Based Employment, Disease/Disability Information, Supported Employment

4500 Lincoln Avenue

Oakland, CA 94602

(510) 531-3323

Acalanes Adult Education

Offers educational, special interest, personal development classes; High School diploma, citizenship, ESL (English as a Second Language), computers, parent activity education, older adult programs for retired community, vocational, health, physical fitness, safety, community service classes, foreign language, voice training and music.

Services: Adult Basic Education, Arts and Crafts Instruction, Citizenship Test Preparation, Computer Literacy Training Programs, English as a Second Language, Music Instruction

1963 Tice Valley Boulevard

Walnut Creek, CA 94595

(925) 280-3980 x8001

Acalanes Union High School District

Administers four public high schools, one alternative high school, and an adult education department.

Services: Alternative Schools, Public Schools, Special Education Classes/Centers, Unified School Districts

1212 Pleasant Hill Road

Lafayette, CA 94549

(925) 280-3900

Administrative Careers Training Program - Opportunity Junction

Offers opportunities for individuals to gain computer, professional, and life skills for administrative careers.

Services: Job Search/Placement, Job Training Formats

3102 Delta Fair Boulevard

Antioch, CA 94509

(925) 776-1133

Adults with Disabilities Services - Mt. Diablo Adult Education

Offers hybrid learning opportunities to address student needs.

Services: Adult Day Health Programs, Independent Living Skills Instruction, Life Skills Education

1266 San Carlos Avenue

Concord, CA 94518

(925) 685-7340 x6720

America's Job Center of California - EASTBAY Works Concord

Offers employment and workforce services.

Services: Business Assistance Services, Career Counseling, Job Search Resource Centers, Job Training Formats, Public Internet Access Sites, State Disability Insurance Applications, State Unemployment Insurance Applications

4071 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250

Concord, CA 94520

(925) 671-4500

Antioch Adult Education

Provides online classes for adults including GED and High School diploma, ESL, citizenship, clinical medical assistant training, and classes for older adults.

Services: Adult Basic Education, Adult High School Diploma Programs, English as a Second Language, Job Training Formats, Vocational Education

820 West 2nd Street

Antioch, CA 94509

(925) 779-7490

Antioch Unified School District

Operates the Antioch Unified School district's public schools and adult education center.

Services: Alternative Schools, Public Schools, Special Education Classes/Centers, Unified School Districts

510 G Street

Antioch, CA 94509

(925) 779-7500

Asset Building - Monument Impact

Offers intro to Computer Basics 10 week long class, (Spanish) in-person and virtually, (Farsi) only virtually.

Services: Computer Literacy Training Programs, Welfare to Work Programs

2699 Monument Boulevard, Unit G

Concord, CA 94520

(925) 682-8248 x2250

Basic Computer Classes, ESL Classes, and Typing Test

Provides no cost basic computer classes, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, and typing test certification.

Services: Computer Literacy Training Programs, English as a Second Language

3102 Delta Fair Boulevard

Antioch, CA 94509

(925) 776-1133

Viewing 1-10 of 118 results (listed by location, Near to Far)
