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Viewing 1-10 of 18 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Berkeley Free Clinic

Provides referrals, counseling, health insurance and food assistance program registration, and some medical appointments over the phone.

Services: Community Clinics, General Dentistry, HIV Testing, Medical Information Services, Peer Counseling, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

2339 Durant Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94704

(510) 548-2570

Children's Oral Health Program - FMCH CC Health

Preventative education is offered on-site in collaboration with schools throughout Contra Costa county.

Services: Pediatric Dentistry

2500 Bates Avenue Suite B

Concord, CA 94520

(800) 696-9644

Dental Hygiene Clinic - Diablo Valley College

Offers dental hygiene services to the public by dental hygiene students, at a reduced rate, under the supervision of a dentist and registered dental hygienists.

Services: Dental Hygiene

321 Golf Club Road

Life Health Science Bldg, parking lot #4

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

(925) 969-2692

Dentist on Wheels

Provide dental treatment and oral care to patients of all ages.

Services: General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry

2210 Gladstone Drive

Pittsburg, CA 94565

(925) 800-7771

Give Back a Smile - American Academy Cosmetic Dentistry Foundation

Provides dental restoration to individuals who have received dental injuries to the front 8 teeth from former intimate partner or spouse, family member, sexual violence or is a victim of human trafficking.

Services: Cosmetic Dentistry

200 River Place, Suite 150

Madison, WI 53716

(800) 773-4227

Homeless Dental Services Concord Respite - CCHS

Provides general dental care for homeless individuals, including: cleaning, fillings and referrals to other clinics for specific dental treatments.

Services: General Dentistry

2047 D Arnold Industrial Way

Concord, CA 94520

(925) 608-5350

La Clinica Monument - Dental Clinic

Provides emergency treatment, general and pediatric dentistry, children's dental exams, fluoride and sealant treatment, and cleaning and polishing for low-income, uninsured individuals.

Services: General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry

2000 Sierra Road

Concord, CA 94518

(925) 363-2000

La Clinica Pittsburg - Dental Clinic

Provides emergency treatment, general and pediatric dentistry, children's dental exams, fluoride and sealant treatment, and cleaning and polishing for low-income, uninsured individuals.

Services: General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry

339 East Leland Road

Pittsburg, CA 94565

(925) 431-1250

LifeLong Medical Care - Brookside - San Pablo

Provides non-emergency health care services for Contra Costa County residents including primary health care, prenatal care, dental care, health education, HIV/AIDS testing and counseling, assistance with Contra Costa CARES Program Affordable Care Act and Medi-Cal applications.

Services: Community Clinics, General Dentistry, HIV Testing, Immunizations, Medicaid Applications, Prenatal Care

2023 Vale Road

San Pablo, CA 94806

(510) 215-9092

LifeLong Medical Care - Pinole Health Center

Provides non-emergency health care services for Contra Costa County residents including primary health care, prenatal care, dental care, health education, HIV/AIDS testing and counseling, assistance with Contra Costa CARES Program, Covered California and Medi-Cal applications.

Services: Community Clinics, General Dentistry

806 San Pablo Avenue

Pinole, CA 94564

(510) 981-3255

Viewing 1-10 of 18 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)
