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Viewing 1-10 of 31 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Bay Area Rescue Mission - Food Pantry & Distribution Center

Provides assistance to anyone in need, as resources are available.

Services: Clothing Donation Programs, Food Pantries

123 MacDonald Avenue

Richmond, CA 94801

(510) 215-4887

CARE Center - Trinity Center - Walnut Creek

Provides a respite and services for low-income adults and/or homeless in the Walnut Creek area.

Services: Case/Care Management, Clothing Donation Programs, Homeless Drop In Centers, Homeless Shelter, Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers, Public Showers/Baths, Substance Use Disorder Referrals

1888 Trinity Avenue

Walnut Creek, CA 94596

(925) 949-8712

Christmas Assistance - St. Anne - St. Vincent de Paul

Provides warm coat giveaway of new or gently used, clean, warm coats.

Services: Clothing Donation Programs

2800 Camino Diablo Road

Walnut Creek, CA 94597

CTK - St. Vincent de Paul

Provides a food pantry, food gift cards, vouchers for food and vouchers for clothing at St.

Services: Clothing Donation Programs, Food Pantries, Public Showers/Baths

404 Gregory Lane

Hillcrest Community Church

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

(925) 246-1131

Fund Development & Retail Operations Dept. - Hospice of the East Bay

Raises funds for Hospice of the East Bay and for patients who are uninsured or under-insured through direct donations, car donations, Appraisal and Estate sales and through five (6) thrift shop in Alamo, Concord, Danville, Martinez and Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill.

Services: Clothing Donation Programs, Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs, Thrift Shops

3470 Buskirk Avenue

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

(925) 887-5678

Grace Arms of Antioch

Provides Graces Closet, a food pantry and clothing closet.

Services: Art Galleries/Exhibits, Baby Clothing, Clothing Donation Programs, Food Pantries, General Recreational Activities/Sports, Mentoring Programs

3415 Oakley Road

Antioch, CA 94509

(925) 522-2017

Hillcrest Congregational Church

Provides a 3-day emergency food supply.

Services: Clothing Donation Programs, Food Pantries

404 Gregory Lane

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

(925) 689-8260

Leftovers Thrift Shop - Contra Costa Crisis Center

Sells used clothing, collectibles, jewelry, housewares, linens, and books at greatly reduced prices.

Services: Clothing Donation Programs, Thrift Shops

2281 Olympic Boulevard

Walnut Creek, CA 94595

(925) 930-9393

Love of my Life Ministries - Advocacy for the Poor Inc.

Provides job interview clothing for women, teens and girls.

Services: Clothing Donation Programs, Work Clothing

PO Box 11874

Martinez, CA 94553

(510) 620-9692

Most Holy Rosary Church - St. Vincent de Paul

Provides a food pantry for Antioch residents and needs based services dependent on fund availability.

Services: Clothing Donation Programs, Food Pantries, Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs, Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

21 East 15th Street

Antioch, CA 94509

(925) 757-0941

Viewing 1-10 of 31 results (listed by best match)
