Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Bullying Prevention

Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of bullying, a form of violence among children, on school playgrounds, in neighborhoods and in homes, through a variety of interventions which may include use of an anonymous questionnaire to assess the nature and prevalence of the problem, development and announcement of an intervention program, open discussions of bullying at school and in other venues, increased supervision of children in areas that are "hotspots" for bullying, arrangements for reporting bullying incidents, immediate intervention when bullying incidents occur, development of protective strategies for targets, formation of support groups for victims of bullies, discussions with parents of involved students, and engagement of community members in support of the program. Most bullying prevention programs are school based and target students in elementary, middle and junior high schools. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or psychological; and involves intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words and other behavior such as name-calling, threatening or shunning committed by one or more children against another child.

Child Kidnapping Prevention

Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of child abduction through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on children of various ages, parents, people who work with families and/or the community at large. Delivery formats may include fact sheets, safety tip lists and other informational materials; individual or group educational sessions; and general media campaigns.

Dating Violence Prevention

Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of date rape, verbal and physical abuse, threats of abuse and other forms of violence that occur between dating teens through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on potential victims and perpetrators; agency, school or health care personnel who work with them; or the community as a whole. Activities may include classroom-based education, teacher workshops, parent workshops, peer leadership training, counseling groups for males who abuse or threaten a female peer, and community-based workshops for out-of-school youth. Programs may also be available for older people who are dating.

Family Violence Prevention

Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of child abuse, elder abuse and spouse abuse in family settings through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on children of various ages, parents, people who work with families and/or the community at large.

Fraud Prevention

Programs that help older adults, people who live alone and other vulnerable individuals become aware of the scams and con games that are most frequently used to induce victims to part with their money or valuables. Common scams include fraudulent prize offers, "free" travel packages that have hidden costs or which never materialize, "get rich quick" investments that turn out to be worthless, tax debt/refund scams, phony charities with names that are similar to well-known organizations and schemes involving promises to recover an individual's money following their victimization by another scam.

Human Trafficking Prevention

Programs that work to prevent or reduce the incidence of human trafficking, i.e., situations in which individuals are abducted, sold, recruited under fraud or pretense or otherwise brought under the control of another person and forced into prostitution or other controlled situations against their will, either domestically within their own country or internationally. While women and children are particularly vulnerable to trafficking for the sex trade, human trafficking also includes individuals who are trafficked into forced marriages or into bonded labor markets such as sweat shops, agricultural establishments or domestic service. Prevention measures may include training for law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges; development of legislation that makes trafficking illegal in source and destination countries; and awareness campaigns for potential victims and the community at large that describe the tactics criminal groups use to coerce and traffic potential victims, what people at risk can do to protect themselves against illegitimate groups, how to identify trafficking victims, the rights of trafficking victims and how to get help. Also included are law enforcement and prevention efforts that focus on the sources of demand for trafficked services; development of responsive and culturally competent trafficking intervention systems that people can trust; and other activities that support the rights and address the needs of trafficking victims, penalize and impede the activities of perpetrators and motivate the community to become involved in the issue.

Self Defense Training

Programs that offer physical conditioning exercises and teach participants the basic moves of self-defense including how to kick, strike, punch, block, fall and escape from a variety of holds. Techniques from one or more or the martial arts may be included.

Sexual Assault Prevention

Programs that help people who may be vulnerable to rape, molestation or other forms of sexual assault become aware of the general precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of becoming a victim, and the alternatives for handling the situation should they be approached or attacked.
