Seniors/Disabled Adults

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4 Our Families Navigators - EHSD

Provides resource referral, navigation and benefits application assistance.

Services: Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants, Food Stamps/SNAP Applications, General Benefits and Services Assistance, General Relief Applications, Medicaid Applications, Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance, TANF Applications


Martinez, CA 94553

(925) 335-6581

Ability Now Bay Area

Provides services for adults, ages 18 to 65, with a wide range of physical, intellectual, or other developmental disabilities including a self-employment training program, an adult development center, a technology center with assistive technology, and other programs to assist participants in reaching their highest potential, respecting their choices as adults, protecting their rights and interests, teaching advocacy and self-help skills, offering moral support to consumers and their families and raising community awareness and enlisting support.

Services: Developmental Disabilities Activity Centers, Disability Related Center Based Employment, Disease/Disability Information, Supported Employment

4500 Lincoln Avenue

Oakland, CA 94602

(510) 531-3323

Access - VistAbility

Offers a mobile day program that provides individually designed activities for those whose needs cannot be met in a traditional day program, due to severe or multiple intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Services: In Home Adult Day Programs

33424 Alvarado Niles Road

Union City, CA 94587

(925) 706-1921

Adult Protective Services (APS) - CCC EHSD

Receives and screens reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals 60+ and dependent adults age 18 or over who are unable to protect their own interests, have been harmed or are threatened with harm.

Services: Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation

500 Ellinwood Way

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

(877) 839-4347

Adults with Disabilities Services - Mt. Diablo Adult Education

Offers hybrid learning opportunities to address student needs.

Services: Adult Day Health Programs, Independent Living Skills Instruction, Life Skills Education

1266 San Carlos Avenue

Concord, CA 94518

(925) 685-7340 x6720

African American Health Conductor Program - CC Health

Provide assistance with completion of applications for MediCal, CalFresh, applications for financial assistance programs, Covered CA, referrals to Black Infant Health, PRUCOL application assistance, linkage to SSI/SSDI, long term disability and referrals and navigation to community resources.

Services: Case/Care Management, Food Stamps/SNAP Applications, General Benefits and Services Assistance, Medicaid Applications

2311 Loveridge Road

Pittsburg, CA 94565

(925) 374-2622

Air Travelers With Disabilities Hotline - DOT

Provides general information to consumers about the rights of air travelers with disabilities, respond to requests for printed consumer information, and assist air travelers with time-sensitive disability-related issues that need to be addressed in "real time.

Services: Disability Rights Groups, Information Sources

Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings

1200 New Jersey Ave, SE

Washington, DC 20590

(800) 778-4838

Alcosta Senior & Community Center, Park & Gardens

Provides a variety of classes, trips, and services to seniors 55+.

Services: Senior Center Bus Services, Senior Centers

9300 Alcosta Boulevard

San Ramon, CA 94583

(925) 973-3250

ALIVE East - Futures Explored

Supports individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be active members of their community; thru volunteering, advocacy, attending college, working or simply being a member of their community.

Services: Adult Day Health Programs, Developmental Disabilities Activity Centers

5163 Lone Tree Way

Antioch, CA 94531

(925) 529-4246

ALS Association Golden West Chapter

Supports and empowers people with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, and their families to achieve the highest quality of life possible through three ALS Centers of Excellence, satellite clinics, regional care management, alternative and augmentative communication technologies, monthly regional support groups, web-based support groups (English and Spanish), stress reduction techniques, relief for caregivers and children, and a host of community events including walks, rides, golf, and more.

Services: Adult In Home Respite Care, Assistive Technology Information, Disease/Disability Information, Health/Disability Related Support Groups

PO Box 7082

Woodland Hills, CA 91365

(866) 750-2572

Viewing 1-10 of 107 results (listed by best match)
