Health and Dental Care

Viewing 91-100 of 111 results (listed by best match)

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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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RotaCare Clinic - Pittsburg

Provides on-site urgent treatment for acute and chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension, cough, cold, and/or sore throat, minor laceration repair, wound care, sprains and muscle strains, urinary tract infections, allergies and sinusitis, ear infections, headache, stomach ache, rashes, poison oak and minor skin infections as well as burns.

Services: Community Clinics

2210 Gladstone Drive

St. Vincent de Paul

Pittsburg, CA 94565

(925) 439-2009

RotaCare Concord Free Medical Clinic - Cambridge Elementary

Provides a free urgent care clinic at Cambridge Elementary School.

Services: Community Clinics

1135 Lacey Lane

Cambridge Elementary School

Concord, CA 94520

(925) 429-6409

RotaCare Concord Free Medical Clinic - The Salvation Army Center

Provides a free urgent care clinic at The Salvation Army Center.

Services: Community Clinics

3950 Clayton Road

The Salvation Army Center

Concord, CA 94521

(925) 429-6409

RotaCare Concord Free Women's Clinic

Provides free women health related services including, gynecological exams, pap smears, breast exams, pelvic exams, limited STI testing, at Concord Salvation Army.

Services: Women's Health Centers

3950 Clayton Road

Salvation Army Center

Concord, CA 94521

(925) 429-6409

RotaCare West Contra Costa Free Medical Clinic

Offers free telephone or video appointments on Tuesday evenings and free in-person appointments on Thursday evenings.

Services: Community Clinics

2023 Vale Road

LifeLong Brookside Second Floor

San Pablo, CA 94806

(510) 213-6678

San Ramon Regional Medical Center

Provides a general acute care hospital and associated services.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Emergency Room Care, General Acute Care Hospitals

6001 Norris Canyon Road

San Ramon, CA 94583

(925) 275-9200

Sutter Delta Medical Center

Provides a general acute care hospital and associated services.

Services: Emergency Room Care, General Acute Care Hospitals

3901 Lone Tree Way

Antioch, CA 94509

(925) 779-7200

University of California San Francisco Dental Clinics

Provides low cost dental services for adults and children.

Services: General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry

707 Parnassus Avenue, First Floor

San Francisco, CA 94143

(415) 476-1891

University of the Pacific Children's Dental Clinic - San Francisco

Provides examinations, diagnoses and a complete range of dental treatment procedures; treatment of complex dental cases including children with special needs or medical complications; multiple specialists available on-site for consultations and referrals, including early orthodontic intervention; the ability to schedule more than one child at the same appointment time; and multilingual dental care providers.

Services: Pediatric Dentistry

155 Fifth Street, Second Floor

Hutto Patterson Pediatric Dentistry Clinic

San Francisco, CA 94103

(415) 929-6550

University of the Pacific Dental Clinic - San Francisco

Provides comprehensive low cost general dental care; fees may be 30-40% lower than those of many private offices in our immediate area.

Services: General Dentistry

155 Fifth Street, Second floor

San Francisco, CA 94103

(415) 929-6501

Viewing 91-100 of 111 results (listed by best match)
