Seniors/Disabled Adults

Viewing 11-20 of 100 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Alzheimer's Disease Education & Referral Center

Provides current, comprehensive Alzheimer's disease (AD) information and resources from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) including general information, causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and clinical trials.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Information Clearinghouses


Bethesda, MD 20892

(800) 438-4380

Alzheimer's Respite Program - Martinez

Provides adult day program for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or related dementia with activities that include discussion groups, exercise, crafts, table games and projects to maintain social skills.

Services: Adult Day Programs

1111 Ferry Street

Martinez, CA 94553

(925) 370-8772

American Cancer Society - Alameda

Provides local information and referral, education and support to cancer patients, their families and friends.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Health/Disability Related Counseling, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Peer Counseling, Wigs

1001 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 300

Alameda, CA 94501

(800) 227-2345

American Diabetes Association - East Bay

Provides educational information about diabetes to diabetics, the community and health care professionals.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Health/Disability Related Support Groups

1970 Broadway, Suite 425

Oakland, CA 94612

(510) 654-4499

American Foundation for the Blind

Provides local and national resources for the blind and vision impaired on assistive technology, services available, guide dog information, in-home care, support groups, Braille reading, and educational opportunities, online classes, and consultation.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Specialized Information and Referral

2900 South Quincy Street, Suite 200

Arlington, VA 22206

(800) 232-5463

American Heart Assoc/American Stroke Assoc. - Greater Bay Area

Provides public education, information and referral, and community education on heart disease and stroke prevention.

Services: CPR Instruction, Disease/Disability Information

1111 Broadway Ste 1360

Oakland, CA 94607

(510) 903-4050

American Kidney Fund

Offers financial assistance to low income kidney patients who are unable to pay for treatment-related needs such as medication, transportation, special diets, etc.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Medical Expense Assistance

11921 Rockville Pike, Suite 300

Rockville, MD 20852

(800) 638-8299

American Liver Foundation

Provides support groups, educational programs and materials on liver disease including hepatitis C, hepatitis screening, information and referral for individuals with a liver disease, transplant information, clinical trials and other support services.

Services: Clinical Trials, Disease/Disability Information, Talklines/Warmlines

870 Market Street, Suite 1052

San Francisco, CA 94102

(415) 248-1060

American Lung Association of California

Provides educational materials, services and consultation to individuals, agencies and organizations on lung disease, smoking cessation, pollution, asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, lung cancer, and other issues related to the lungs.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Public Awareness/Education, Smoking/Vaping Cessation, Tobacco Use Education/Prevention

3001 Bishop Drive, Suite 300 Space #03-109

San Ramon, CA 94583

(510) 638-5864

American Parkinson Disease Association

Provides patients with Parkinson's disease and their families with information, free literature and referrals to physicians, physical therapists, exercise classes, home care services and support groups.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Public Awareness/Education

P.O. Box 61420

Staten Island, NY 10306

(800) 223-2732

Viewing 11-20 of 100 results (listed by best match)
