Bay Area Crisis Nursery- Emergency Daytime Childcare & Shelter Services


1506 Mendocino Drive
Concord, CA 94521

(925) 685-8052


Provides direct childcare and emergency shelter services and wraparound support. Crisis Day Services offers emergency childcare services for up to 30 days in a 6-month period!€”60 days per year. A child can attend for the full day or just a couple of hours. Provides crisis residential overnight program in which parents can utilize this service for up to 30 days per crisis situation. Offers respite overnight program for parents experiencing stress, or who have used BACN!€™s services, can visit the Nursery for short-term monthly visits. These visits range from 1-3 days. Also provides food and diaper bank available to all community members in need of food, diapers, and formula. The BACN Boutique is a fully stocked, free boutique filled with children!€™s furniture, toys, books, clothes, and more for families participating in a program. Eligible parents may be experiencing a crisis or feel overwhelmed by parenting young children, lost their childcare provider or cannot afford childcare services, dealing with unemployment and underemployment, overwhelming parental stress, homelessness, escaping violence, or are suffering from a mental health disorder or physical illness.

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Date of Official Change:

September 17, 2021


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