Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Family Support Recruitment/Referral

Child Care Provider Referrals

Programs that provide statewide and community-based services that are designed to improve the availability and quality of child care. These programs maintain lists of child care resources and link families who are in need of child care services with child care centers, licensed family child care homes and other organization-based providers; provide information that helps families become good consumers of child care services; recruit new child care providers to expand the availability of the service locally; provide training and technical assistance for providers; and collect and disseminate data which document the demand for child care services and the current availability of child care resources. Some programs may also make referrals to preschools and many provide referrals to children's play groups.

Foster Home Placement

Programs that link individuals who are in need of alternative living arrangements with appropriate private family homes that are licensed to provide foster care. Licensing requirements vary from state to state and, in some situations, licensing is not required at all. Programs that provide placement services for children and adults with disabilities are generally also responsible for recruiting, training, certifying and monitoring placements in family homes and for providing support for the family and the individual(s) with disabilities who live with them.

Foster Parent/Family Recruitment

Programs that identify and enlist people who are willing to provide foster care for dependent children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse, neglect or abandonment and need an alternative family living arrangement, or for children or adults with developmental disabilities, sensory impairments, physical disabilities, emotional problems or multiple disabilities who are unable to live with their birth families or in an independent setting. Programs that recruit families to provide foster care for children and adults with disabilities are generally also responsible for training, certifying and monitoring placements in family homes and for providing support for the family and the individual(s) with disabilities who live with them.

In Home Assistance Registries

Programs that maintain lists of hourly and live-in companions, home health aides, personal care aides/attendants, cooks, drivers, homemakers, housekeepers (light and heavy housework), handyworkers, gardeners/yard workers, people who provide in-home secretarial help or other similar sources of assistance, and link people who are in need of these services with appropriate resources. The program may also recruit in-home assistance personnel, screen people who apply, provide training for the workers, help in-home care recipients interview and select prospective workers and monitor the quality of care each individual receives.

Interpreter/Translator Registries

Programs that maintain lists of qualified interpreters and/or translators and link individuals and agencies who are in need of this service with appropriate resources.
