Empowered Aging - Long-Term Care Ombudsman


2255 Contra Costa Boulevard, Suite 204
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

(925) 685-2070



Provides ombudsmen who advocate for residents of long-term care facilities which include skilled nursing facilities, large assisted living facilities and small 6-8 bed residential care homes for the elderly. Receives complaints and concerns from family members of patients and residents themselves, concerned friends and citizens, acute hospital staff and paramedics and government and private agencies. Ombudsmen work with residents to improve their quality of care thru review of care plans and mediating with health care providers. Also, functions as the official reporting and investigation agency for elder and dependent adult abuse incidents occurring in long-term care facilities.

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Date of Official Change:

April 22, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

2255 Contra Costa Boulevard, Suite 204
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523


2255 Contra Costa Boulevard, Suite 204
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523


Phone Numbers

Main Number

(925) 685-2070


(925) 685-2049


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