Kinship Support Services - Concord - Pacific Clinics


2380 Salvio Street, suite 200
Concord, CA 94520

(925) 602-1750 x16009


EMQ FamiliesFirst, Uplift Family Services


Provides resources for relatives raising the child of a family member; this is primarily but not only grandparents raising their grandchildren. Services include support groups, recreation and respite opportunities, after school services, educational workshops, information and referral, case management and advocacy, basic needs assistance with and help with legal guardianship, etc.

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Date of Official Change:

May 27, 2022

Address Listings


2380 Salvio Street, Suite 200
Concord, CA 94520

Physical (Primary)

2380 Salvio Street, suite 200
Concord, CA 94520


Handicap Accessible

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