First Hope - CCHS


391 Taylor Boulevard, Suite 100
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

(925) 608-6550


Provides intensive family-centered services to adolescents and young adults showing early signs of psychosis. Clinical High Risk (CHR) program works with young people at risk for or experiencing very early symptoms of psychosis, prior to a first psychotic episode. First Episode Psychosis (FEP) program works with those who have had a first psychotic episode within the past year. Services are designed to support recovery and functioning and to prevent the occurrence of an initial or subsequent episode of psychosis. Offers individual, family and group therapy, care coordination, multifamily groups, employment and education support, occupational therapy, peer support, substance use counseling and psychiatric services.

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Date of Official Change:

May 3, 2023

Address Listings


391 Taylor Boulevard, Suite 100
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Physical (Primary)

391 Taylor Boulevard, Suite 100
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523


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