The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Disaster Preparedness Information
Related services
General Disaster Preparedness Information
Programs that increase public awareness of the measures that people can take before, during and after an emergency, regardless of the type of hazard encountered, to protect lives and property. Included may be materials that introduce people to the possibility of a disaster in their area, help families prepare and practice a general disaster plan, provide disaster preparedness suggestions for special populations including people with disabilities and older adults, help families plan for the care of their pets in times of disasters and other similar topics.
Terrorism Preparedness Information
Programs that increase public awareness of the precautions people can take to avoid a terrorist incident and the measures they can pursue to protect lives and property before, during and after a terrorist attack. Terrorism is the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the laws of the U.S. for purposes of intimidation, coercion, ransom or publicity for targeted causes. Most terrorist attacks involve conventional weapons such as firearms, explosives or incendiary devices, but the potential exists for the use of chemical agents, nuclear weapons and biological agents. In the case of terrorism involving chemical or biological agents, information is also provided about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures and/or treatment or management of illnesses or other health conditions victims may acquire as a result of an attack.