West Contra Costa Family Justice Center


256 24th Street
Richmond, CA 94804

(510) 974-7200





Offers one-stop center for people affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, child abuse and human trafficking. Center helps people in crisis to find hope, safety and healing by being a one-stop center where many service providers are readily available. Offers trainings, workshops and invites guest speakers to help clients achieve economic independence and long-term safety and stability which may include education and job training, microenterprise development, mentoring services, life skills training, personal enrichment classes, counseling services, parenting skills development and legal assistance. Provides Trauma Recovery Center, which offers free mental health brief therapy (16 sessions) to support clients who have experienced a traumatic event or who have had a loved one who experienced a traumatic event, including domestic violence, community violence, and sexual assault.

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Date of Official Change:

January 18, 2023


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